PRESS RELEASE: Political party dieBasis – test strategy and incidence rate determination

Düsseldorf 28.04.2021 – The federal board of the political party dieBasis North Rhine-Westphalia firmly rejects the so-called “incidence rate” as the sole yardstick for corona protection measures and calls for epidemiologically relevant indicators to assess the development of infections.

Extract from the press release:

“We are testing ourselves from lockdown to lockdown! This is a political error to the detriment of the general public,” said Bodo Oepen, chairman of the federal board of the political party dieBasis North Rhine-Westphalia. In addition to the lack of significance of the non-standardized PCR test, the massive distortion of incidence rates due to the use of mass rapid tests on people without symptoms has now been added to the list. On this basis, the seven-day incidence rate cannot be a relevant benchmark for implementing measures.




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