Demonstration on August 1, 2020 in Berlin: “The End of the Pandemic – The Day of Freedom“

The initiatives QUERDENKEN – 711 and NICHTOHNEUNS have registered a demonstration with 500,000 participants on the Tempelhofer Feld in Berlin for 1 August 2020 under the title “The End of the Pandemic – Freedom Day“.

The organizers have worked with #honkforhope to create a transport concept for Germany, Switzerland, Austria and France. You can download booking documents by clicking on this link:

The initiators of the demonstration sincerely invite all other initiatives: the hotel and travel industry, bus companies, farmers, event technicians, artists, trade unions and everyone else to join them in Berlin on this day to demonstrate for democracy, freedom and fundamental rights.

More information about the planned demonstration will follow.

Here is the link to the website of QUERDENKEN – 711:


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