Nazi Service against KenFM

Atlanticist Mascolo acts the propagandist.

A commentary by Uli Gellermann.

The Tagesschau propaganda machine informs us that the State Office for the Protection of the Constitution (Verfassungsschutz) wants to spy on the Internet platform KenFM. It is the the security office that does not want to hand over essential files on the attack on Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz to the parliament.

It is the security office that destroyed its files on the cooperation with the murderers of the NSU. It is the security office that was founded by the USA and preferred to use old SS and Gestapo members in its ranks. It is that dirty spying apparatus that spied on, frightened and suppressed a total of 3.5 million people under the cover of the “Anti-Radical Decree” from 1972 to 1985. This sinister office is now “watching” KenFM.

Why KenFM?

Why KenFM? Because this platform is one of the last bastions of democracy and the freedom of the press on the Internet. Because KenFM is still successful with its millions of clicks despite difficult conditions. Because KenFM in particular stands in the way of the Corona propaganda with information and facts. Because KenFM is an organ of resistance. And the Corona regime can bear neither contradiction nor resistance. The official spying on the resistance is almost triumphantly announced by the government broadcaster ARD by Georg Mascolo. Mascolo, the man who confuses the subjunctive with the message, this Mascolo is a member of the Atlantic Bridge and the Core Group of the Munich Security Conference. The Atlantic Bridge is a creation of the U.S. intelligence community and the Munich Security Conference is an agency of the armament industry. Among this fine company, Mascolo swims in order to be secured.

Mascolo is preferentially supplied by the secret service

Existences like Mascolo are supplied preferentially by the secret service, in order to spout such sentences:


“The media platform KenFM is now observed by the Berlin Office for the Protection of the Constitution. It is said that disinformation and conspiracy myths are being spread there, further radicalizing the scene of ‘lateral thinkers’.”

Now a real journalist might worry about government agents taking action against other journalists. A real journalist might at this Tagesschau information: “The video platform YouTube had already blocked KenFM’s channel at the end of last year, due to violations of the Corona guidelines.” raise questions about democracy and freedom of the press. Also with this sentence “The classification of KenFM by the Berlin Office for the Protection of the Constitution is the result of a months-long examination”, could strike a decent journalist regarding the fact that a colleague was spied on unconstitutionally. But not for Mascolo.

Lies about the influence of foreign states

Mascolo, who can see that Ken Jebsen, the editor-in-chief of KenFM, is the better journalist, can only work off his envy by unfounded rabble-rousing. In his article, for example, he stirs together the legally disproven anti-Semitism against Ken Jebsen with unproven conspiracy ideologies and the lie of the “influence of foreign states” in order to arrive at the end at “endangering the state”. Since KenFM is unquestionably closely connected with the democracy movement, the constitutional protection propagandist Mascolo inevitably had to come to this paragraph:


“The constitutional protectors are convinced that many supporters of the lateral thinking movement used the Corona situation and the measures to contain the pandemic only as a pretext. What they are really after, they say, is to deny the legitimacy of the state and bring about a change in the system – by force if necessary.”

It’s about criminalizing the democrats

The secret service and Mascolo are concerned with the criminalization of democrats: Anyone who wants to use “violence to bring about a change in the system” is an enemy of the state. And enemies of the state, as we know from dictatorships, are criminals who must be fought with all means: With lies, defamation, suppression and with persecution by the police and secret service. The “observation” by the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which is ostensibly meant to hit KenFM, is meant for bigger game: Mascolo and the State Protection want to hunt down the movement. The normal police ruthlessness, which has become customary, is no longer enough to slow down the movement. The threat of a professional ban has been issued. Since that day’s start, one must reckon with the next practical steps. Parliament offers little protection for this. Only the efforts of the population itself in the streets and squares can put a stop to the regime.


Thanks to the author for the right to publish the article.


This article first appeared on the Blog Rationalgalerie on May 30, 2021.


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