
Children In Need – The Future In Danger

Children In Need – The Future In Danger

Parents sacrifice their children on the altar of obedience

A comment by Dr. Rudolf Hänsel.

An article in "The Guardian" of 13 September

"Sharp rise in acute medical beds occupied by children with nowhere else to go"

should not only alarm parents. "" published the article. Quote:

"A third of intensive care beds in England are occupied by children who have nowhere else to go because of their illness. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, these children are suffering from mental and neurological problems. Some exhibit violent or self-injurious behaviour, others have severe neurodevelopmental disorders. Still others are there because of an eating disorder. But despite their individual needs, many of them do not have a specific psychiatric diagnosis. And without a diagnosis, they are not entitled to a bed in a real psychiatric ward, even if they are so violent that they are a danger not only to themselves but also to those around them. This means that these children end up living in a normal hospital, sometimes for months. Even more worrying is that since the pandemic began, the number of children in these beds has increased dramatically. In the US, children's hospitals across the country are reporting that the number of children needing psychiatric help has 'exploded', according to CNN. 'Several children's hospitals said they were running so low on inpatient psychiatric beds that they were having to house children in their emergency rooms – sometimes for weeks at a time.'" (1)

As early as last March, in a commentary "'Lockdown Children's Rights': We're Killing Our Children's Souls" posted on various independent internet platforms, I demanded,

"If we don't stand up against this lockdown madness right now, we are complicit in the soul murder of our children!"

Yet the majority of parents and educators in kindergartens and schools do not stand up, but silently accept that corrupt governments are driving their children into madness or even suicide and thus strangling the future of all of us.

Of course, all rational adults have suspected for over a year and a half that the political madness measures are not about protecting the health of the population, but solely about a worldwide political grand experiment with the help of which diabolical rulers are trying to impose their will. But these adults do not have the courage to force the rulers to stop this madness immediately.

On the contrary: due to the direct and indirect compulsory vaccination with a "killer vaccine" – even of children and infants – the worldwide situation for people has once again become decisively worse in the last six months. Even churches are now being turned into vaccination centres. And the fact that "COVID 19" does not play a role in election campaigns – for example in Germany – is an unmistakable sign that it is about quite different goals than health protection.

Who is able to speak into the conscience of parents and educators so that they finally stand up and say NO? Our children are in great need and our future is in danger.




Dr Rudolf Hänsel is an educationalist and qualified psychologist.

+++ Thanks to the authors for the right to publish the article. +++ Picture source: Maximumm /

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