Querdenken- 711: Open letter to the employees of the German press

Stuttgart/26.03.2021 Statement on the nationwide demonstrations of 13.03.2021 of the citizens’ initiative “Es reicht!”.

Excerpt from the open letter:


we, the nationwide active citizens’ initiative Querdenken, are quite used to your approach:

You often simply publish accusations and make untenable claims, to such an unscrupulous extent. Suspicious reports are published without having consulted us previously. Many essential facts are simply omitted, or sometimes even distorted. Sometimes using a single exceptional scene from a demonstration presented out of context.

A discriminatory, distorted and misleading image is created. Your prejudices, slander, defamation, suspicion and stigmatization are known to us through many untrue reports. We have repeatedly and politely reminded you of the press code and of your duty to correct your untrue statements and consult us beforehand. You have continued your strategy of ignoring us while reporting on us at the same time.

You write, by the way, about a large mass of the broad population and about respectable citizens


  1. https://presse.querdenken-711.de/pressemitteilungen/offener-brief-an-die-mitarbeiter-der-deutschen-presse


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