Whoever shoots first dies second

By Bernhard Trautvetter.

Turkey invaded the neighboring state of Syria in order to chase away residents of the country, as there are many Kurds who are a thorn in Erdogan’s side.

Turkey wants to “bring back” refugees who have never been there. Turkey demands support from the NATO ‘partners’. Then something surprising happens: The government troops of the invaded country use military means against the aggressor. The aggressor now demands help from his allies, otherwise he will breach the refugee agreement with the EU. From the very beginning, this blackmail was self-deception on the part of those who, like the right wing in the EU, tried to turn the fight against the causes of migration into a fight against refugees, as these forces were stealing votes from many established parties.

This was similar to the situation in the early 1990s, when the coalition government of Germany, with the support of parts of the opposition, virtually abolished the right of asylum after racially motivated arson attacks and dozens of deaths. “Between 1990 and 1992, there was an accumulation of right-wing extremist violence in Germany. In 1990 alone, the Amadeo Antonio Foundation recorded a total of seven deaths from right-wing extremist violence. In 1991 there were eight victims. The year 1992 27 deaths were recorded.

On May 26, 1993, the Bundestag passed the so-called “asylum compromise”.” (1) Now practically only a refugee who somehow arrived in Germany from the air or as a blind passenger by ship had any prospect of asylum, because of the newly introduced rule on safe third countries. Every neighboring country of Germany is a safe third country.

This act of combating racism by adopting and fulfilling the demands of “far-right” was followed by the further strengthening of racism. This became particularly evident starting in 2015, when the same forces and an environment reaching far into the so-called ” middle-class society” began to speak of legal violations. They did not do this because of violations of the War Weapons Control Act, not because of violations of international law by the Bundeswehr, euphemistically calling warfare “missions” and ” operations”, but in the face of the great increase in refugee tragedies worldwide, in Europe and also in Germany. They were able to do so with reference to the so-called “asylum compromise”.

Of course, social and wage policy, housing and education policy must react in a protective way for all those in need, which subsequently did not happen adequately or not at all. The coldness of neo-liberalism considers so-called “benefit recipients” as under-performers and does not support them, but instead exerts “repression” under the term “demanding”.

Now Turkey has violated the EU refugee deal. NATO has already expressed solidarity with Turkey because Syria’s army carried out a strike against the aggressor.

Note that this violence also adds fuel to the fire, brings suffering and death, and brings the situation one step closer to the abyss of a confrontation between nuclear powers of NATO and Russia.

Observing this is one thing. The other is that Turkey and its NATO partners are criticizing something that all sides must have expected. Western propaganda now speaks of troops of the dictator Assad, meaning the government of the country, which is recognized by the UN. Turkey is now talking about retaliatory strikes because its soldiers were attacked in Syria.

For quite some time Turkey had supported the Mujaheddin, notorious for its brutality, against whom the Syrian government is taking action. The escalation of violence on all sides is encouraging misery and also increasing the number of refugees. Now that Turkey has opened the gates to Europe for these people, internal political tensions in the EU will (be able to) be intensified again.

There can only be a way out by stopping the arms manufacturers and dealers of products from factories in the West, including in Germany, from exporting their products.

Mankind has too many problems to cope with, problems which can take on proportions that would otherwise exceed human capabilities.

War distracts from this situation and so does racism. The militarists’ fairy tales of legitimacy, talking about bombing countries for peace, have always proved to be what they are. Warfare does not end in peace.

Humanity only has a common future or no future at all.

I know what I am talking about: the USA, following the former advisor to the chancellor Michael Steiner, has also considered a nuclear strike against Afghanistan. (2)

Reducing the problem to a reckless hothead in the so-called “White House” is ignoring the real issue.

The demands of the EU militarists to respond to the US President with an EU army, including a nuclear umbrella – the word “shroud” instead of “umbrella” is more appropriate here – reveal all these escalating nightmares:

We are not talking about individuals who should be replaced by better ones. This is about the system.

In this context, the French socialist Jean Jaurès hit the nail on the head with this assessment: “Capitalism carries war within itself like the clouds carry rain.”

I would add that without peace the climate will collapse. This is due to the threat of a nuclear winter after a nuclear war, which means that in the warmest place in summer it is below zero at noon, because the fly ashes of the combustion gases darken the earth’s atmosphere so that the sun cannot get through.

The first priority of the peace movement is to get nuclear power out of the hands of the military, because now nuclear armament is also to come to Germany, making nuclear war, i.e. the end, more likely and closer. The systems under the name B 61-12 are more usable in the language of the military. That would be it. The President of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev once said: In nuclear war, whoever shoot first, dies second. (3)

The forces of peace, and thus the future, have the task of preventing these violations of law.


(1) Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 24.5.2018 – https://www.bpb.de/politik/hintergrund-aktuell/161980/brandanschlag-in-solingen

(2) https://www.abendblatt.de/vermischtes/article205615207/USA-erwogen-offenbar-Atomschlag-nach-11-September.html

(3) https://nrw-archiv.vvn-bda.de/texte/1518_japcc_jw.htm


Thanks to the author for the right to publish the article.


Picture reference: ymphotos / Shutterstock


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