Science and Power as Fellow Henchmen

How the “Land of Poets and Thinkers” Sinks into the Swamp of Corruption

By Dr. Rudolf Hänsel.

The names of poets Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich von Schiller are as familiar to people around the world as the names of scientists and thinkers Albert Einstein, Albert Schweizer and Carl Friedrich von Weizäcker. But Germany’s once high reputation as the “land of poets and thinkers” is visibly being dragged through the mud and sinking into the malodorous swamp of corruption. An example for this “plague of corruption” (1) is the bad news that science and power are accomplices in an existential question for mankind.

Claim and values of science

Science is understood to be the totality of human knowledge, findings and experiences of an era. This is systematically expanded, collected, preserved, taught and handed down. In the case law of the German Federal Constitutional Court, the term “science” is defined as:

“Everything that, according to content and form, is to be regarded as a serious attempt to determine the truth.”

To achieve this lofty goal, science purports to recognize certain values such as:

– Unambiguity,

– transparency,

– objectivity,

– verifiability,

– reliability,

– openness and honesty, and

– novelty: the work leads to progress in knowledge (2).

Science and power as fellow henchmen

Today’s science, however, is in a relationship of increasing interdependence with politics. Political circumstances set the respective framework conditions for scientific research and the social application of research findings.

As a result, there are hardly any independent scientists left, but only academics (with university or college education) who kowtow or hawk their knowledge and skills – and often their souls – to corrupt politicians, the military-industrial complex and Big Money. Some stray so far from their humanity that they help perfect the means for the general destruction of humanity. When the plight of the people does not touch their hearts, these so-called scientists judge themselves: All their wisdom and science are degraded to a self-indulgent game of wits that knows no obligation.

Recently, more and more examples of political and scientific corruption of previously unimaginable proportions have been coming to light. In Germany, Michael Eisfeld, professor of economic philosophy at the University of Lausanne and member of the German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina – the National Academy of Sciences – now made public his sharp criticism of the government and the scientific advisory body.

He stated that “the government currently consults mainly those scientists who are willing to say what the government wants to hear” (3). This approach would massively undermine the reputation of science and inevitably lead to a populist backlash against science as a whole.

In the article by “RT. Deutsch” with the headline “Seduced by power” – Did Leopoldina put itself in the service of Corona ‘propaganda’?” the philosophy professor brought out heavy guns, which illustrate the full extent of the gigantic betrayal or rather crime against the population:

“Right at the beginning of the pandemic, the Chancellor’s Office decided on a policy that it would never have been able to implement in a transparent, public and critical discourse. This had only been possible thanks to scientists who defended the government’s course with great authority in public. (…) These scientists have allowed themselves to be harnessed by the government for propaganda. A pernicious system of dependence for mutual benefit prevents those involved from taking responsibility. ‘The politicians can say that they only followed the science. And the corresponding scientists can say that they only advised the politicians. So in the end, no one bears responsibility.’

Already on December 8, Eisfeld wrote a protest note to the president of the Leopoldina, Professor Gerald Haug: ‘With dismay I have taken note of the statement of the Leopoldina published today, which states: ‘Despite the prospect of an early start of the vaccination campaign, it is absolutely necessary from a scientific point of view to quickly and drastically reduce the still clearly too high number of new infections by a hard lockdown’.

After publication of the Leopoldina statement, Angela Merkel also supported the hard lockdown. There are scientific findings that are real and better to stick to, the chancellor argued (4).”

For the sake of completeness, two more current reports: Already on Feb. 7, 2021, the “WELT AM SONNTAG” reported that during the first peak phase of the pandemic, German Interior Minister Horst Seehofer enlisted scientists to justify corona measures. These then provided the results for a dramatic “secret paper” of the ministry (5).

Another report makes clear that not only German scientists are corrupt:

“According to reports from Swedish radio stations, a group of scientists and academics is said to have tried to discredit Sweden’s reputation abroad through a social media campaign based on a ‘different’ Corona strategy that relies on voluntary action by the population (6).”

Friedrich Nietzsche and the Lockdowns

Finally, a quote from the famous German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche from the first pages of one of his last works from 1888: “The Antichrist. Curse on Christianity.” Christian Kreiß used it to introduce his article “Genocide under the guise of fighting disease? – Or: Nietzsche and the Lockdowns”:

“What is good? – Everything that increases the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man. (…) What is happiness? – The feeling of power increasing. (…) The weak and wayward shall perish: first sentence of our love of man. And one should help them on top of that. What is more harmful than any vice? – The compassion of the deed with all the wayward and weak, Christianity… (7).”


(1) Dr. Mikovits Judy / Kent Heckenlively. (2020). Die Pest der Korruption. Wie die Wissenschaft unser Vertrauen zurückgewinnen kann. Mit einem Vorwort von Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Narayana-Verlag.



(4) A.a.O.






Dr. Rudolf Hänsel is a graduate psychologist and educationalist.


Thanks to the author for the right to publish.


Image source: Motortion Films / shutterstock


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