Reuters report: Angela Merkel admits crime of aggression against Syria

By Jens Bernert.

The British-Canadian-American news agency Reuters reports that German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) mentioned in the CDU-CSU parliamentary group that the attempt to overthrow the Syrian government had been initiated from abroad and was unsuccessful. The war against Syria had been fruitless.

The Reuters report of 3 March 2020 states (translation):

Merkel criticized the West’s Syria policy, according to the statements. It has become clear that a change of government initiated from outside is not possible. The war only led to a radicalization.”

Thus Angela Merkel admits the highest crime under international law and the crime of aggression against Syria.




Thanks to the author for the right to publish the article.


Picture reference: 360b / Shutterstock


This article first appeared at Blauer Bote on 05.03.2020.


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