PRESS RELEASE Querdenken-711: Call to the motorcade in Stuttgart on 27.01.2021
Stuttgart/January 25th, 2020
## megalockdown
The federal government is obviously not concerned with ending the lockdown in the short term. If it were, there would have been a reaction to our demand of the mega-lockdown limited to two weeks, in which factories, airports, public transport and also radio and media are also closed. The Chancellor confirmed this week that the tough corona policy and the lockdown is her personal decision. Quote from the Federal Press Conference this week: “There are also basic political decisions in all this, they have nothing to do with science.” And to that we say no: there are many scientific studies that lockdowns are ineffective. Even the WHO takes this position.
## End of demonstration pause
The only virus that is spreading furiously in Germany right now is the freedom virus. And that’s a good thing. The spread is slowed down by only one factor at the moment: the winter temperatures and the bans on demonstrations for political motives with insubstantial arguments. So I expect the cities to stick to the statement of the federal government that “demonstrations are allowed to take place” and “opinion is an important good”. This is directed in particular to the city of Berlin.
On Wednesday, 27.01.2021, a large motorcade will take place in Stuttgart and we call on all Querdenken initiatives nationwide to participate.
Thanks to the author for the right to publish the article.
Image source: Querdenken Stuttgart
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