In an open letter, a doctor calls on her professional colleagues not to become accomplices in the enforcement of a dangerous vaccination agenda.
By Gerlinde Laeverenz-Foti.
I call on all doctors in this country, without exception, and even worldwide, to look beyond the horizon of what we have been taught in our studies and beyond in our further training. Use your common sense, questioning and exploring the connections with the desire to know the truth. Trust again in your feeling of what every good doctor should be capable of. Do not be satisfied with what is written in your textbooks, but go one step further. In the sense of the human being, in the sense of your patients.
Being a doctor means being independent. Independent from any system, from opinions, from politics, also from guidelines and directives, and even ultimately from any man-made law. The only guideline that should count for you is to be found in yourself and your patients. It would surprise me very much if only one doctor would and could sign that vaccinations cannot pose any danger to health or life of a human being. But if this is the case, why are vaccinations played down and complications often not noted in the patient’s file, let alone recognized as such?
Which of you doctors who consider vaccinations to be useful have dealt with them in detail, have delved deeper into immunology, have studied scientific and well-worked literature on the subject and have taken the experience reports of parents and patients seriously and let them have an effect on you? Whoever has seen so much suffering that has come over children and their families through vaccinations, as my husband and I did, and who does not dismiss this from the beginning with the sentence “This cannot come from the vaccination”, cannot help but ask questions and take a critical look at allopathic medicine.
Do not make yourself complicit in a so-called health policy that has neither the dignity nor the true development of the human being, let alone his soul and being, as its goal. Do not sell yourselves and those entrusted to you for fear of being defamed or because they try to threaten your professional existence. No one can take away your vocation except yourself. Don’t let yourself be made a victim of this poverty, but rather take care of the rehabilitation of the trust in the medical profession, which in the meantime has rightfully been called into question, by putting the patient as a human being back in the center of attention, by listening to him with interest and a healthy curiosity, by taking his concerns, doubts and fears really seriously and, if necessary, by following them conscientiously in your own studies! Also and especially with regard to vaccinations or the currently prevailing mask obligation!
Let us work together to preserve our sovereignty and independence. It is not the politicians or a principal who has to decide what is medically justifiable and how a health hazard is to be assessed for the individual. Only we doctors should be and remain the decision makers here! In the same way, the patient entrusted to us must remain protected by not having to share his or her intimate health issues with, for example, the branch manager of a supermarket or his or her employer! This is degrading and shameful at the same time, and it is a novelty, an absolutely unacceptable and human-abusive novelty that we cannot simply accept!
And what about our children? We must protect them instead of handing them over! Currently, fears and political moves are being played out on the backs of our children – we doctors must not allow this under any circumstances, not to mention silently tolerating it!
We must get up, it is high time!
Dear colleagues – if you are not already, come back to the ground of facts, to the real basis of medicine.
Remember your Hippocratic oath, the oath you once took to yourselves, the oath with which you committed yourself to the well-being of the patient! Remember the reason for which you – hopefully – once became doctors. Become aware again of what is “essential” in life and what medicine is really about. About every single person. And thus for the health of society.
Remember what is “essential” when it comes to your medical responsibility.
Because you have a great responsibility. Please bear it seriously, or – if you feel unable to do so due to fear or other reasons – resign your license to practice medicine.
This article was published on 05.12.2020 in Rubikon – Magazin für die kritische Masse
Thanks to the author for the right to publish the article.
Picture source: siam.pukkato / shutterstock
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