Murderers without masks

Media stirring up a country

By Uli Gellermann.

The hunt for mask refusers can begin: A cross-bed of German media – from the SPIEGEL to the Tagesschau to the “Grenz-Echo” from Eupen, a small German-language newspaper in Belgium – all spread it a million times over: Mask objectors, so the new word, are murderers. Because, as all the media know, they recently killed a bus driver in France.

Without tickets on the bus

The apparent news about murderers without masks is based on an agency report which reads as follows:


“According to the report, the driver in Bayonne, near the border with Spain, rejected four people at a bus stop on Sunday evening. They wanted to get on the bus without protective masks and valid tickets, despite being required to wear masks. A man reportedly struck the driver violently on the head from behind.” The bus driver died of his injury.

One knows the murderers: The mask objectors

Anyone who has ever driven a bus knows that the cause of the dispute with fatal consequences could also have been fare evasion. This does not make the brutal attack on the poor bus driver any better. But almost all media are certain without any proof: the cause was a dispute about the masks. Why? Where does this unity come from? Where does the clear colouring of a message come from? Were the men drunk? Did they have relevant criminal records? The media doesn’t want to know all these details. They know the killers: the mask objectors.

Gap in the unified media front

There is a tiny gap in the unitary media front that offers scope for other interpretations: Of all things the Swiss yellow paper BLICK allows another story to be told:


„According to reports, the first confrontation occurred at 2 p.m. with several men who did not have a ticket. Then in the evening, when Monguillot (the bus driver) stopped at the Balishon bus stop, a man without a mask got on and joined four other people who were already on the bus. The four other people included apparently the fare dodgers from the afternoon.”So the manslaughter has a history in fare evasion. But hardly anyone wants to mention this detail. And it doesn’t make sense for the headline in the BLICK either. In the teaser it says: “Bayonne: Masked mob kills bus driver”.

With news like this you train the lynch mob

With such news you at least educate denunciators and ultimately the future lynch mob. Corona insanity has reached the next generation of university students, people who are to be trained as scientists, at least in the Psychology Department of the University of Lübeck. They write to psychology professor Klaus-Jürgen Bruder, a man who disseminates alternative opinions and findings on the Corona case: “The fact that you are spreading these claims is a danger to our democracy, solidarity and society, especially during times of crisis such as the Corona pandemic.”

In times of crisis the truth threatens democracy.

It is not the diversity of opinions that is important to the desperate youngsters, it is not scientific doubt that is dear to them, it is not analysis that puts these students at the beginning of their learning process. Because they have learned from the mainstream media: there is only one opinion on Corona, that of the government, that of the RKI, that of the mainstream media. Forget analysis when it comes to the whole of the people. The students from Lübeck know: In times of crisis the truth endangers democracy. The doubters, the questioners, the objectors kill bus drivers.


Thanks to the author for the right to publish.


This article first appeared on 14.07.2020 at


Image source: Anna Nass / shutterstock


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