Moral Campaigns – The Cover of True Wars | By Peter Frey

Humans are drawn into wars, in which a noble goal is falsely presented to them.

By Peter Frey.

And all too easily they fall into the trap, becoming usable for those who pursue very profane, deeply selfish goals. Careless people become their victims, thus empowering them to exchange true empathy for imposed outrage and to act against the interests of the community, not to mention their own interests. In the end there is violence – and all this in the name of the good and the good people to whom one must belong in order not to be ostracized oneself. The campaign against the coronavirus proclaimed by the governments is no exception. It covers the real wars on this globe with double standards.

All the wars that the world has seen in the past decades were basically not for sale to the people. For they were unjust and still are today. Therefore each of these unjust wars had to be packed into the shimmering shell of a justifiable war. In order to drive people into war, which they then lead out of a feeling of legitimacy, one must first manipulate them, drive them into a feeling of hopelessness and lack of alternatives. You have to replace their free thinking, and also their self-reflective empathic feelings with feelings of fear, hysteria and aggression.

This can, indeed must, be done long before the war is fought by military means. People only go to war when the war has found a permanent place in their soul.

It is above all fear that feeds the war, and fear needs a strong, powerful, familiar image. One to which one attributes all that one has previously learned to perceive as ugly, dirty and dangerous and evil. For the manipulated to fight the war relentlessly, ruthlessly and without any real empathy, they must be endowed with the feeling that their breaking of ethical categories – due to extraordinary situations – is legitimized.

The image of the enemy must be strong, enduring and immanent. This is the reason why certain enemy images are literally trained on people.

Enemy images are manifestations of slander. Used as such to harness other people for their own war, they are also a sign of the fear of coming to terms with one’s own ego. Driven by this fear – coupled with self-hatred – one seeks the solution outside, presumes to have to make others (people as well as collectives) “better”.

The real, the true, dishonest wars were always fought in a deeply selfish way, as a violently implemented claim for the ruthless realization of one’s own ego and/or the plundering of foreign resources. Resources for the possession of which there is no natural right, except the anti-social right of the strongest, operated to compensate the own misery abroad.

And so the good wars against the Jews – from the point of view of the National Socialists – were ultimately good for concealing the robbery of resources taking place in their shadow. The “good” ideology developed for the mass murder – by no means only of Jews – in the structures of National Socialist Germany was lived out just as unrestrainedly as the excessive robbery of other peoples and societies. The Third Reich was doomed to the latter anyway – why?

The German Reich was doing commissioned work. In their eyes, the “good” war was against the Jews and Bolshevists, and yet these images of the enemy were rather useful ideologies for those in the dark, a means to an end, that of their own unbridled enrichment. After all, the concept meant that the Third Reich had to wage “its” war at any price, namely to pay the debt service. The war machine of Hitler’s Germany was the result of a gigantic investment by the Anglo-American banking and industrial sector, and it was designed to earn a return. However, this war, which was not at all good, finds practically no appreciation in the historiography of the West; it is covered up by the morally noble campaign against Hitler fascism.

At the latest after the fall of the Third Reich, it was the “Reds” who were the enemy. Branded outwardly as an ideological enemy, their basically only “offence” was that they were extremely disruptive in the unbridled plundering of resources. It was therefore not decisive that it was completely illogical, insulting common sense, to accuse all kinds of governments of “evil” communism: Korea, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Grenada, Iran, Chile, Indonesia, Angola and so on and so forth. But to wage war with the declared intention of plundering foreign resources and exploiting people is out of the question. Indeed, it would be rejected.

Then, after 1990, the demonized “Reds” were gone. So new enemy images had to be created so that the global raid could continue. The enemy images became more and more and their image increasingly equated with an existential threat to the entire human species. This was also the case with the War on terror. Under the flag of this almost holy war, wars were fought that secured the existence of the system of ruthless profit maximization. Wars – open or covert – in Syria, Yemen, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Congo, Mali and other states.

The morally cleanly breathed War against terror was paired with the supposedly just as honorable war against dictators, humanitarian interventions and so-called peace-building operations. To make the wars more beautiful, the Orwellian language – the twisting of concepts into their opposite – was led to new triumphs.

But all these “good” wars served only the purpose of making the actual war, namely the war for profit maximization, seem acceptable, even necessary, to the populations. One received transfiguration for this amoral behavior by the presumption of putting one’s own ego above that of one’s fellow men, yes, of having been called for a historical task. It was always made possible by the awakened fear in those who subjected themselves to manipulation to become spiritual victims. Injustice became right, allowed the hitherto rejected, even unthinkable.

Well, what does all this have to do with the coronavirus?

A look at the way in which a pathogen is dealt with selectively and monocausally can suffice for this purpose – seen as a bitter enemy to be fought. UN Secretary General Guterres on March 19: “The world is at war with a virus”(1). French President Macron declared war on Corona (2) and called a military operation called “Operation Resistance” to support the population in the war against the deadly virus (3). Like Macron in his speech to the nation, German Chancellor Angela Merkel addressed the population in a TV speech (4). An atmosphere of acute threat, fear and the need for immediate, pragmatic action was conjured up. The populations should be united behind their leaders, all discrepancies should be put aside and everything should be thrown into the common fight against the virus. Those who escaped this struggle immediately ran the risk of being character deficient-as they did in 2001 when “America was attacked.”

This – the “war against the virus” – is the dishonest war, the white linen cloth that covers up the wars that are now being fought in its shadow. What is driving them, the true, the dishonest wars: ruthless living out of the ego and greed, enrichment at the expense of others.

At the very top of the list of wars that Corona has covered up and which have now been launched with all their might is the war of the rich against the poor. The two largest commercial enterprises worldwide are Amazon and Microsoft. While the US economy slumped by 32.9% in the second quarter of 2020, Amazon made a record profit of 5.2 billion US dollars (5). Emergency ordinances in the European states had only just begun, while in the USA they were still pending, when Amazon was already looking for 100,000 new employees (6). The secret of Amazon’s business success is relentless exploitation, maximum control of its employees – and customer acceptance of these conditions; and Microsoft? Already in the first quarter, the profit of this global corporation had been 10.8 billion US-$.

Worldwide – even in the European industrial nations – a war is taking place against small and medium-sized businesses, a real unscrupulous war of greed for the goal of redistribution from the bottom to the top. It is not the virus that has created this situation, but the emergency decrees. The fact that small businesses are now endangered en masse is not a regrettable side effect of the “war against Corona” but was brought about in a very targeted manner. Implemented by governments whose actions are not guided by their voters but by globally positioned, private interests.

Furthermore, we are experiencing an intensified war against our livelihoods, which in turn will inevitably lead to many regional and local wars in the world. While the populations have been led in fear of a coronavirus, the “do-gooder” Bill Gates propagates: “In the future, mankind should, if possible, only drive with electric cars”. Here greed is coupled with excessive arrogance and selfishness (7). And another “good” war is placed before this anti-social behavior: “The fight against the climate catastrophe”.

In the shadow of the “good” war against the virus, brutally the war against Syria is being continued quietly and secretly, also by Germany. One sees here very well, how double moral standards are set up. While one extrapolates death and infection figures in a dramatizing way and with adventurous tricks, these moralists don’t give a damn about the misery of the Syrian population, just like in Afghanistan, Yemen and Iraq; not to forget Venezuela and Iran. Military interventions in Africa are also being stepped up, and repression of frightened populations can be carried out much more effectively.

Profit-seeking and megalomania can gladly do without democracy if it no longer serves their premises, and this seems to be the case. The allegedly noble war against the virus is in reality also a war against fundamental basic rights of free, self-responsible people. It is a war against the free expression of opinions, a war against diversity and joy of life.

With this and in conclusion, the great task is also mentioned, which is pending to transform all this into something positive and connecting: Let us get people out of their fear. Let us prevent everything that creates new barriers. I wish all people the courage to become aware of their fears, even those of tiny pathogens, to overcome them and thus come to free, life-affirming action. Connect yourself and be open for others, show understanding and invite. In return, withdraw – wherever you can – from the system that feeds war.

Please remain attentive.

Notes and sources:

(General) This article of Peds Views is licensed under a Creative Commons License (Attribution – Non-Commercial – No Derivative Works 4.0 International). It may be redistributed and reproduced subject to the terms of this license. When linking to other articles of Peds Views, you will also find the external sources with which the statements in the current text are substantiated. The text is the script of a speech given by the author on the occasion of the World Day of Peace on September 5th at a rally of the Peace Initiative Aufstehen Dresden and surrounding area in Dresden.



Thanks to the author for the right to publish the article.


This article first appeared on 7.9.2020 at


Image source: MISTER DIN / shutterstock


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